Toronto - The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) today published (link) final amendments to establish a more efficient registration and oversight process for firms, individua
News and Alerts
Toronto – The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) today published a guidance for inv
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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a large impact on how we are able to socialize with the people in our lives; more and more individuals have found themselves on the internet looking for company during
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Fraud Prevention Month is a campaign held each March to inform and educate the public on the importance of protecting yourself from being a victim of fraud.
News and Alerts
On March 17th, 2022, the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre and Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) were able to recover a $17 000 fraudulent Bitcoin transfer associated to a crypto investment scam.
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As the regulator for credit unions in New Brunswick, FCNB is sharing the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre’s recent fraud alert regarding a scam targeting clients of financial institutions.
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This bulletin was created to warn the public about an increase in investment scam reports.
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A decrease in dollars lost to fraud in New Brunswick, coupled with a rise in the number of frauds reported in 2022, could mean consumers are becoming more comfortable identifying and reporting frau
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In 2022, the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) received 90,377 fraud reports involving over $530 million in reported losses.
News and Alerts
The Fraud Prevention Month campaign is held each March to inform and educate the public on the importance of protecting yourself from fraud.