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Regulatory Updates

Canadian securities regulators encourage checking registration before investing

The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) are kicking off Investor Education Month this October by encouraging investors to check the registration of any firm or individual selling securities or offering advice.

“Through the registration process, Canadian securities regulators ensure individuals and firms meet specific qualifications and standards before they offer products or advice to investors,” says Louis Morisset, Chair of the CSA and President and CEO of the Autorité des marches financiers. “Investors should have confidence in whomever they choose to handle their money, and checking registration is an essential first step toward building a positive working relationship.”

To assist investors, the CSA offers the National Registration Search – a free online tool that makes it quick and easy to check the registration of any individual or firm in Canada.

Simply visit and search the name of an individual or firm. Investors can also call their local securities regulator to verify registration.

Anyone who has been offered an investment by a person or organization that is not registered should contact the securities regulator in their province or territory.

Investors are encouraged to visit for more information and resources on understanding investments and recognizing fraud. @CSA_News will also be sharing tips and links throughout Investor Education Month.

The CSA, the council of securities regulators of Canada’s provinces and territories, coordinates and harmonizes regulation for the Canadian capital markets. Their mandate is to protect investors from unfair or fraudulent practices through regulation of the securities industry. Part of this protection is educating investors about the risks, responsibilities and rewards of investing.