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Regulatory Updates

Canadian securities regulators publish framework for commodity benchmarks

Calgary - Today, the securities regulatory authorities of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Yukon and Northwest Territories published advanced notice of implementation of final amendments to Multilateral Instrument 25-102 Designated Benchmarks and Benchmark Administrators (MI 25-102) that establish the framework for the designation and regulation of commodity benchmarks and the persons or companies that administer them.

MI 25-102 currently provides a comprehensive framework for the designation and regulation of financial benchmarks and their administrators, and the regulation of benchmark contributors and of certain users of designated benchmarks. The proposed amendments published today incorporate provisions intended to enhance the accuracy, integrity and reliability of designated commodity benchmarks and their administrators. 

The proposed amendments to MI 25-102 and changes to its companion policy can be found on the websites of the above-noted CSA members. Provided all necessary ministerial approvals are obtained, the amendments will come into force on September 27, 2023.

The CSA, the council of securities regulators of Canada’s provinces and territories, coordinates and harmonizes regulation for the Canadian capital markets.

For media inquiries, please contact:
Ilana Kelemen
Canadian Securities Administrators 

Theresa Schroder
Alberta Securities Commission  

For investor inquiries, please contact your local securities regulator.