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Fraud Prevention Month

March is Fraud Prevention Month!

Frauds and scams evolve all the time, but the warning signs tend to remain the same. FCNB can help you get and stay informed about scams and learn how to spot the common red flags of fraud.  

The internet and social media have made it easier than ever for fraudsters to take advantage of people. So, it’s very important that New Brunswickers be able to recognize a fraud attempt and have the confidence to say ‘no’ when approached by a fraudster. By becoming familiar with the red flags of fraud, you can feel empowered to protect yourself and your loved ones from frauds and scams.

Red Flags of Fraud - Can you spot a scam?
Can you spot a scam?

Frauds and scams come in many different forms, so they can sometimes be difficult to spot. Take our quiz to learn more about the red flags of fraud.

Book a FREE Fraud Presentation!

Our Stay out of Fraud's Reach presentation teaches you the skills you need to recognize and reject frauds and scams.

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