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Insurance Bulletin 2024-02 – Exemption of Fee Payable for Second or Subsequent RIR Licence Application Claims

In accordance with section 3.1(1) of the Insurance Act, the Superintendent of Insurance exempts the fee payable by a Restricted Insurance Representative (RIR) applicant for a second or subsequent RIR licence application in subsection 2(4) of Rule INS-002 Insurance Fees where:  

  • The only licensing requirement in subsection 35(1) of Rule INS-001 Insurance Intermediaries Licensing and Obligations that differs from the applicant’s primary RIR licence application is paragraph 35(1)(c), the applicant’s sponsoring insurer.      

Please refer to Blanket Order INS-2024-02 for more information about this exemption.  

For any questions about this bulletin, contact the Insurance Division of FCNB at 866-933-2222 or