News & Alerts
Expertise from the subject matter experts at New Brunswick’s Financial and Consumer Services Commission.
CybersecurityDatabaseReporting Fraud Licence and Registration COVID-19
Getting StartedInvestment ProductsHigh-Risk InvestmentsBorrowing to InvestManaging Your InvestmentsProtecting Your Investments
Budgeting Saving Money Managing Credit Pension and Retirement Payday LoansCollection Agencies Cooperatives Credit Unions Vehicle Ownership Finances 50+ Pre-Arranged Funeral Plan
The Financial and Consumer Services Commission of New Brunswick is responsible for the regulation and enforcement of securities, insurance, pensions, credit unions, trust and loan companies, co-operatives, mortgage brokers, pay day lenders, real estate and a wider range of other consumer legislation. We regulate 44,000 industry participants who make their living working with New Brunswickers’ money. These industry participants handle more than $50 billion of New Brunswick consumers’ money.
Questions about your industry’s regulations and legislation? Proposed rule changes? Looking for bulletins and notices? If you operate a business in, or work in, one of these regulated industries, here’s where you’ll find answers.
News & Alerts