To mark Financial Literacy Month’s 10th anniversary, the Financial and Consumer Services Commission (FCNB) is inviting New Brunswickers to have “the money talk” with their children, their spou
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FCNB is inviting parents, caregivers, teachers and community leaders to talk about money and build financial confidence with their children on April 14 to mark Talk With Our Kids About Money Day.&n
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As research indicates women continue to face systemic and societal barriers – especially post-pandemic -- to financial resilience, the Financial and Consumer Services Commission is aiming to develo

Financial literacy plays a key role in a person’s ability to build financial resiliency and weather life’s storms. The importance of financial resilience was exemplified during the pandemic when many people lost their jobs, became caregivers for family members, or experienced major financial struggles due to decreased savings or inflation.
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Less than half of New Brunswick women say they feel confident when it comes to managing their finances, compared to 62 per cent of men, according to a study by the Financial and Consumer Services C

Co-signing can be viewed as a gesture of support, helping someone qualify for a loan when they might not meet the eligibility criteria on their own. It can be a way to provide financial support to loved ones, but it is important to understand its potential impact on the co-signer as well.

Credit is an important part of money and finances in Canada, but there are many misconceptions about how it works. To help you understand credit better, we’re breaking down five common myths around credit history and credit reports.