The Financial and Consumer Services Commission of New Brunswick is responsible for the regulation and enforcement of securities, insurance, pensions, credit unions, trust and loan companies, co-operatives, mortgage brokers, pay day lenders, real estate and a wider range of other consumer legislation. We regulate 44,000 industry participants who make their living working with New Brunswickers’ money. These industry participants handle more than $50 billion of New Brunswick consumers’ money.
Questions about your industry’s regulations and legislation? Proposed rule changes? Looking for bulletins and notices? If you operate a business in, or work in, one of these regulated industries, here’s where you’ll find answers.
Please address your comments to the Financial and Consumer Services Commission of New Brunswick and submit it in writing in Microsoft Word format on or before 24 March 2025.
How to Contact
Please deliver your comments to the addresses below. Your comments will be distributed to the participating jurisdictions: The Secretary Ontario Securities Commission
20 Queen Street West 22nd Floor Toronto, Ontario M5H 3S8 Email:
Me Philippe Lebel Corporate Secretary and Executive Director, Legal Affairs Autorité des marchés financiers Place de la Cité, tour PwC 2640, boulevard Laurier, bureau 400 Québec (Québec) G1V 5C1
Proposed Rules and Changes:
Proposed Amendments to National Instrument 23-101 Trading Rules
Please address your comments to the Financial and Consumer Services Commission of New Brunswick and submit it in writing in Microsoft Word format on or before 24 March 2025.
Please deliver your comments to the addresses below. Your comments will be distributed to the participating jurisdictions:
The Secretary
Ontario Securities Commission
20 Queen Street West
22nd Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5H 3S8
Me Philippe Lebel
Corporate Secretary and Executive Director, Legal Affairs
Autorité des marchés financiers
Place de la Cité, tour PwC
2640, boulevard Laurier, bureau 400
Québec (Québec) G1V 5C1