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To provide regulatory services that protect the public interest, enhance public confidence and promote understanding of the regulated sectors through educational programs. 

We inform, educate, and protect more than 850,000 New Brunswickers through regulation and financial education, and we regulate 44,000 industry participants who make their living working with New Brunswickers’ money.

We are responsible for the administration and enforcement of provincial legislation regulating mortgage brokers, payday lenders, real estate, securities, insurance, pensions, credit unions, trust and loan companies, cooperatives, and a wide range of other consumer legislation. We are an independent Crown corporation funded by the regulatory fees and assessments paid by the regulated sectors. Online educational tools and resources are available at

What we do

  • We license and register more than 44,000 entities and individuals in New Brunswick across a variety of industries.
  • We develop proposals for regulatory policies, rules and regulations with oversight from the Minister of Finance and Treasury Board. 
  • We conduct compliance reviews on the operations of businesses and individuals operating in our regulated sectors to make sure they are abiding by New Brunswick’s laws and regulation and meeting their obligations to consumers and investors.
  • We receive consumer and investor inquiries and complaints. Of those that fall under legislation for which we have a mandate, we review to determine whether rules or requirements have been violated and if further action is needed.
  • Sometimes complaints, audits and compliance activities lead to investigations. When these investigations indicate that people or entities have violated the requirements set out in New Brunswick’s financial and consumer services legislation, we can use our legislated authority to hold them accountable.
  • We have databases on our website to check the licensing and registration of professionals in a number of our regulated industries.
  • We operate New Brunswick’s Unclaimed Property Program by working with businesses and government entities to return unclaimed property to its rightful owner. 
  • We offer a wealth of unbiased information on our website, as well as free presentations that cover financial literacy topics from budgeting and investing to fraud prevention.
  • We issue fraud and investor alerts through our social media channels and through our fraud alert email notifications.
  • We promote the development of capital markets by ensuring that New Brunswick has a regulatory infrastructure that supports access to capital and the growth of economic wealth and independence for New Brunswick residents.

The Commission does not:

  • Give investment or legal advice
  • Approve investments 


Ask our Experts


  • Cryptocurrency: What is it? How does it work? Is it a safe investment? How is it being regulated?
  • DIY Investing: What is it? Who is doing it? Why are they doing it? What should you do if you are interested in pursuing? What are the alternatives? 
  • ESG Investing: What is it? Why are we hearing more about it? Why is the CSA interested in this topic? 
  • DeFi: What is it? What does it have to do with cryptocurrency?
  • Trusted Contact Person (TCP): What is a TCP? Why might naming a TCP be helpful? Why is it important to name one? Who should be a TCP?
  • Temporary Hold: What is it? How does it act as a tool to help registered financial advisors protect their clients’ assets? 


  • What are the licensing requirements?
  • How do you submit a complaint about a licensed individual?
  • Who does the Commission regulate in insurance?
  • Who must be licensed in NB?
  • How does the 2023 Insurance Intermediaries Licensing and Obligations Rule effect current licensees?  

Consumer Affairs

  • Real Estate: Who regulates real estate agents in NB? What is the New Brunswick Real Estate Association (NBREA) responsible for? What authority does the Commission have?
  • Mortgage Brokers: Do mortgage brokers need a licence to operate in NB? How are home buyers protected? Do private mortgage lenders need to be registered? Are private investors protected? What are the disclosure requirements?
  • Consumer Protection: What types of businesses or individuals does the Commission licence? How does licencing protect consumers? Where can consumers find information about their rights? How can a consumer make an effective complaint?


  • How do pension plans work? 
  • Can New Brunswickers withdraw a portion of their pension early? 
  • What are the unlocking rules in New Brunswick?
  • How does someone apply to unlock their pension funds?
  • What are the rules associated with the division of pension benefits upon a spousal relationship breakdown in New Brunswick?
  • Does an employer need to provide a pension plan to their employees?
  • If an employer provides a pension plan and membership is compulsory, is there any way for an employee to opt out of joining the plan?
  • What information is a pension plan administrator required to provide to pension plan members?
  • If a pension plan sponsor becomes bankrupt, what happens to the members’ pension benefits?
  • What happens if a member is unlocatable during a pension plan wind-up?
  • What’s the difference between these types of pension plans?
    • Defined Benefit
    • Defined Contribution
    • Shared Risk Plan
    • Pooled Registered Pension Plan
  • Is a registered pension plan the same as a group RRSP?
  • What is a capital accumulation plan? 

Financial Institutions

  • Cooperatives: What is a co-op? What are the steps to take to incorporate a co-op? What are the annual filler requirements and fees for cooperatives? What are common questions on key provisions of the Cooperatives Act
  • Credit Unions: Who regulates credit unions in New Brunswick? Who provides prudential supervision of credit unions? Who do I call to get instructions on filing a credit union complaint? How do I incorporate a credit union?

Unclaimed Property

  • Basics: What is an Unclaimed Property Program? What qualifies to be unclaimed property? How can consumers search for unclaimed property? How long do I have to keep records of unclaimed property? How will this program benefit both consumers and businesses? 
  • Holders: Who is a holder? Is the holder always a registered company? What happens if holders are unsuccessful in locating owners of the unclaimed funds? What if taxes are due on the property? What is a remitter? 
  • Reporting: How do holders submit an unclaimed property report? What if the business isn’t located in New Brunswick? 


  • Financial Literacy: What is it? Why is it important? How does the Commission help New Brunswickers develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to make informed financial decisions? How does the Commission work to help build financial literacy in New Brunswick? 
  • Frauds and Scams: What are commons scams happening in New Brunswick? What are the red flags of fraud?  What should New Brunswickers do if they are targeted by a scam artist? 
  • Financial Abuse and Exploitation: Who is at risk? What does financial abuse look like? Where does someone seek help if they experience financial abuse and exploitation?
  • Community Outreach: What programs does the Commission have to help inform New Brunswickers about topics related to its regulated sectors? Does the Commission offer in-person presentations?

Commission Logo

Financial and Consumer Services Commission of New Brunswick / Commission des services financiers et des services aux consommateurs du Nouveau-Brunswick.

Financial and Consumer Services Commission of New Brunswick.

Commission des services financiers et des services aux consommateurs du Nouveau-Brunswick.

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