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Submit a Complaint

If you have concerns about the conduct of a person or company with whom you’ve had a transaction or experience, you can submit a formal complaint here. But first, you may want to try addressing the issue with the individual or the company representative directly—this is often all it takes to solve the situation.

If you’re not satisfied with the response received from this conversation, follow the organization’s formal internal complaint process. Formal complaints must usually be made in writing. 

When filing a formal complaint, remember to:

  • state the facts, why you think there is a problem and what you would like to happen
  • provide copies of all the available documentation such as brochures, account statements and copies of contracts and medical information, if appropriate. Keep the originals.
  • keep a record of whom you talked to and what was said.
  • ask for a final position letter that clearly states your insurer’s final decision regarding your complaint.

If you’re still not satisfied with the response received, then please complete the form below to submit a formal complaint.  

The Commission administers and enforces legislation in the mortgage brokers, payday lenders, real estate, securities, insurance, pensions, credit unions, trust and loan companies, collection agencies, co-operatives, and a wide range of other consumer legislation.  If your complaint relates to an area outside of the Commission’s regulated areas, or if there is an organization that can provide additional support, we may refer you to the appropriate reporting agency or organization.

Information submitted online to the Commission through the Commission’s Submit a Comment or Submit a Complaint form, including personal information, is collected pursuant to subsection 13(1) of the Financial and Consumer Services Commission Act (the Act). The information collected will be used for the purposes of responding to your inquiry or complaint, administering financial and consumer services legislation (as defined in the Act), and contacting you about your inquiry or complaint as needed. The collection, use, disclosure and retention of information is governed by the Act, financial and consumer services legislation, our Privacy Policy, and the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

If you have any questions about the collection of personal information, please contact: 

Privacy Delegate
Financial and Consumer Services Commission
85 Charlotte Street, Suite 300
Saint John, New Brunswick
E2L 2J2

1 866 933-2222

Submit an Online Complaint:

A complaint under New Brunswick’s financial and consumer protection laws (See above)
An unresolved dispute with a telecom provider

Contact the Commission for Complaints for Telecom-Television Services (CCTS). The CCTS is Canada’s national and independant organization dedicated to resolving customer complaints about phone, wireless, internet, and TV services, fairly and free of charge.This can include billing errors, contract disputes, poor service quality, and credit reporting activities.

To file a complaint online, visit


Concerns about an unlicensed or unregistered individual or firms

Whether you’re getting a mortgage, buying insurance, making a purchase at your door or investing for your future, the professionals you deal with may need to be licensed or registered with FCNB. Visit our Check Licence and Registration page to learn more.


Fraudes par téléphone, message texte, courrier électronique ou en ligne

Communiquez avec le Centre antifraude du Canada et le service de police de votre région si vous avez reçu un appel ou un message inattendu d’un agent de placement ou concernant un remboursement d’impôt, un prix, un héritage, un virus sur votre ordinateur, un problème avec vos comptes bancaires (ou autres), une facture pour un article que vous n’avez pas acheté, ou si vous vous inquiétez d’un vol d’identité. Consultez notre page sur les fraudes et escroqueries pour en savoir plus sur le signalement des fraudes.


Frauds by phone, text message, email or online

Contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre and your local police agency if you’ve received an unexpected call or message about a tax refund, prize, inheritance, job offer, virus on your computer, problem with your bank (or other) accounts or a bill for something you didn’t purchase; or if you are worried about identity theft. Visit our Frauds and Scams page to learn more on Reporting Fraud.


L’exploitation financière des aînés

Si vous soupçonnez qu’un aîné nouveau-brunswickois est victime d’exploitation financière, signalez-le :

  • Protection des adultes : 1-866-441-4245
  • Curateur public : 1-888-336-8383 ou 506-444-3688; ou
  • Défenseur des aînés du Nouveau-Brunswick : 506-453-2789
  • La police de votre région
Plainte en vertu des lois du Nouveau-Brunswick sur la protection des consommateurs et des investisseurs
Questions concernant une société ou un professionnel non inscrit ou sans permis ou licence

Tous les professionnels avec qui vous faites affaire pour négocier une hypothèque, souscrire une police d’assurance, acheter un produit à domicile ou investir de l’argent doivent être inscrits auprès de la FCNB ou détenir un permis. Consultez notre page sur la vérification de l’inscription, des licences et permis pour en savoir plus.



Senior financial abuse

If you suspect someone is financially exploiting a New Brunswick senior, contact the following:

  • Adult Protection: 1-866-441-4245
  • Public Trustee: 1-888-336-8383 or 506-444-3688; or  email
  • New Brunswick’s Senior’s Advocate: 506-453-2789
  • Your local police
Un différend avec votre fournisseur télécom

Communiquez avec la Commission des plaintes relatives aux services de télécom-télévision (CPRST). La CPRST est l’organisme canadien national et indépendant consacré à résoudre les plaintes des consommateurs relatives aux services de télécommunications et de télévision équitablement et gratuitement. La plainte peut notamment viser les erreurs de facturation, les différends concernant l’existence ou non d’un contrat, la mauvaise qualité des services, et les données erronées fournies aux agences d’évaluation du crédit.

Pour porter plainte, consultez le


Please provide the names and addresses of the individuals and/or companies involved and your relationship to them. 

Use the field below to provide a detailed description of your complaint. Include key dates. Provide file or reference numbers, account details, purchase records and dates of any contract. The more information you can provide now, the faster we will be able to assist you.

Your Contact Information


We collect your personal information, including name, contact information, and address for the purpose of responding to your complaint. For more information about how your information is used, stored, and protected please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Anonymous submissions will not receive a reply.