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Consumer Alert: Be cautious of unlicensed door-to-door salespeople

The Financial and Consumer Services Commission (the Commission) is warning New Brunswickers to be cautious when dealing with door-to-door (direct) sellers. 

The Commission has received reports of multiple direct sellers operating in the province without a licence. Direct sellers must be licensed by the Commission and carry their licence with them while conducting business. 

New Brunswick consumers are encouraged to ask to see the salesperson’s direct seller’s licence. These licensing requirements add a layer of protection for consumers by providing a screening process for individuals selling at consumers’ doorsteps. 

New Brunswickers should also watch for high-pressure or misleading sales tactics, such as: 

  • Saying it is a one-time offer only available now. 
  • Offering free inspections, consultations or prizes for home visits, with the intent of soliciting a sale once there. Examples of inspections could include furnaces, home heating devices, mould detection, air quality or water testing. 
  • Misleading consumers by implying that they work for a municipality, a provincial organization or a utility company. 
  • Misleading consumers by implying that the condition of their home or equipment in their home is dangerous or unsuitable for living in and requires an immediate repair or replacement. If a salesperson or company that a consumer does not regularly do business with, raises concerns about a consumer’s home or equipment in their home, the consumer should consider getting a second opinion before agreeing to purchase anything. 

If you experience high-pressure sales tactics from a salesperson or company direct selling, report it to the Commission. If you observe suspicious or unusual behaviour call the police. 

The Commission offers tips on its website on how to be a safe and informed consumer when dealing with direct sellers.