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Insurance Notice – LLQP Examination Administration Policy

The Financial and Consumer Services Commission of New Brunswick (the Commission) is adopting a modernized Life Licence Qualification Program (LLQP) examination administration policy developed by the Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations (CISRO) to ensure that consumers are working with life insurance agents who meet the highest national qualification standards. 

The modernization of the policy will improve the integrity of the examination process in New Brunswick and align with best practices across Canada. 

The policy provides clear standards for LLQP exams taken in-person or online by formalizing exam security procedures and outlining penalties for those cheating on, or attempting to steal, the LLQP exams. 

Some of the key policy changes include: 

  • a longer wait period for candidates after the third and fourth unsuccessful attempt at the exam. 
  • a requirement for candidates to provide a written response when an exam breach occurs, prior to being able to rewrite the exam. 
  • tougher consequences for candidates caught cheating such as a two-year suspension period from exams or permanent removal from the exam process and refusal of licensing. 

The LLQP exam is administered by Durham College on behalf of the Commission in New Brunswick. Information about the application of the LLQP policy in New Brunswick can be found at A condensed version of CISRO’s LLQP Examination Administration Policy is found here

For any questions about this notice, contact the Commission’s Insurance Division of FCNB at 866-933-2222 or